API Reference

Subscribe to the Digitization Completion Event

To receive a webhook at the end of the digitization process, you need to contact the representatives of Ornament to set up the integration on our side.

You will need to provide the endpoint to which the webhook will be sent, and (optionally) an authorization header that should be passed in the requests.

After setting up the integration, the following events will be sent to the specified endpoint:

NEW_SUBMISSIONThe Imageset was successfully processed, and a Submission was created.
REJECT_IMAGESETThe Imageset was rejected.
SPLIT_IMAGESETAs a result of processing, additional Imagesets were generated. This can happen if one Imageset contains lab results for different dates.

The data sent in the body of the webhook contains the following fields:

idUnique identifier in UUID format
transactionIdTransaction identifier
eventTypeTitleName of the event type (see table above)
versionData model version. The current version is 1.0
payloadJSON object with data (description of the JSON fields below)
createdAtEvent creation date
deliveredAtDate the event was received by the recipient

The payload field contains the following fields:

iidUnique UUID of the imageset, which matches the value of the imagesetIid field from the response to the request for sending the file set for digitization
sidUnique UUID of the submission generated as a result of digitization (only for NEW_SUBMISSION events)
rejectionReasonIdID of the rejection reason (only for REJECT_IMAGESET events)
commentAdditional text comment (only for REJECT_IMAGESET events)

You can use these events to initiate the retrieval of digitization or interpretation results.